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How to Tell If Injection Pump Is Bad

Posted by Scott Goldfarb on

Injection pumps are prone to wear and tear over time due to their complexity and their constant use. Drivers who know how to tell if injection pump is bad can take measures to address potential issues and avoid expensive repairs later on. Sometimes, the problems related to the injection pump aren’t immediately obvious and can gradually worsen, so it requires a keen eye, excellent hearing ability, and a solid understanding of common signs to detect the problem. The article will equip you with the knowledge needed to identify problems related to the injection system, specifically with the pump. Source: shutterstock.com/...

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What is Turbo Lag?

Posted by Scott Goldfarb on

Turbocharged vehicles can perform better as turbos utilize exhaust gases to provide extra energy. However, because of how they work, turbochargers don’t provide an immediate boost since there’s a delay in the acceleration response, leading to turbo lag. But what is turbo lag? To understand turbo lag, you need to know the mechanism and how it boosts the engine’s power. So, here we will discuss the concept of turbochargers and the occurrence of turbo lag, which is specific to turbocharged vehicles. Source: shutterstock.com/ Photo Contributor: Evannovostro What Is Turbo Lag? Turbo lag is the delay between stepping on the gas...

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How to Install a Turbocharger

Posted by Scott Goldfarb on

Turbochargers improve the engine’s performance by utilizing exhaust gases for additional energy. This makes turbos ideal for strong and weaker cars as generating more power also improves fuel economy. Knowing how to install a turbocharger will save you from extra costs and enable you to customize your engine performance. Installing your turbocharger might look tricky initially, but it can be a fun and satisfying experience. As a result, you will have a better-performing car with better acceleration and handle tougher tasks. So, this article will provide a step-by-step turbocharger installation guide and how to maximize your car’s performance. Source: shutterstock.com/...

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How to Check the Fuel Pump Injection Timing

Posted by Scott Goldfarb on

The injection system is a complex set of components that delivers fuel into the engine’s combustion chamber. The combustion must occur on time, and there’s a special system to delegate the precise timing of the pump. Knowing how to check the fuel pump injection timing is key to diagnosing performance issues. Hence, we will explain how to notice if anything is wrong with the injection’s timing by describing the common symptoms. Source: shutterstock.com/ Photo Contributor: Roman Zaiets How to Check the Fuel Pump Injection Timing The most common problems associated with improper injection timing are related to poor engine performance....

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How to Test a Diesel Injection Pump

Posted by Scott Goldfarb on

Injection pumps are one of the main components of any modern vehicle. Whether you own a passenger car, commercial or industrial vehicle, or a pick-up truck, you can’t expect it to run without an injection pump. So, you need to know how to test a diesel injection pump to ensure it works flawlessly. Since we’re aware that many new car owners aren’t familiar with the intricate parts of their vehicles, we’ll keep it as simple as possible. You'll be aware of your car's overall condition by explaining processes like fuel delivery, pump calibration, and pressure measurement.  By understanding the evaluation...

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